Weekly Small Groups
Adult Sunday School: 10:15am – @ the red church, 2366 Hwy. 141 – Verse by verse studies from various books of the Bible. All are welcome! Contact person: Doug Dearden, 509-637-0344
Men’s Theology: 7:00pm – @ the red church, 2366 Hwy. 141 – We are working our way through Wayne Grudem’s 2020 edition of Systematic Theology. Contact person: Adam Peck, 509-774-9539
Ladies Prayer : 6:00am – 7:00/7:30am – @ the red church (nursery), 2366 Hwy. 141 – We share our concerns/requests and spend time in prayer. Open to all women who want to come. Contact person: Ruth BeLieu, 509-395-2712
Men’s Prayer: 6:30am – 7:30am – @ the red church (office), 2366 Hwy. 141 – We spend time catching up on each other’s week, offer prayer requests, and finish with corporate prayer. All men welcome. Contact person: Ken BeLieu, 509-395-2712
Men’s Prayer: 2:30pm – @ Travis Pearson’s home, 35 Dairy Rd. – All men are welcome. A scripture is presented by the leader and then an hour of corporate prayer follows. Contact person: Travis Pearson, 509-637-0239
Bible Study: 6:30pm – @ Mark and Sherri Zoller’s, 1248 Hwy 141, BZ Corner (We do a bit of house jumping from time to time so texting Mark at 360-619-8606 is not a bad idea!) Our study is currently on The Lord’s Prayer. Expect study time, discussion time, prayer time, and frequent casual gatherings for food. Currently, about 12 – 15 folks attend each week and we have room for several more.
Women’s Bible Study: 2:30pm – 4:30pm – @ Sharon Allen’s home, 663 Sunnyside Rd. – Currently studying: Discovering the God of Second Chances (Jonah/Joel/Amos/Obadiah) by Kay Arthur and Pete DeLacy. We meet for prayer, fellowship and Bible study as well as community service. Continues year round. Childcare provided. Contact persons: Sharon Allen, 509-395-0024 or Shanea Harpe, 541-399-2843
Youth Group: 6:00pm – 7:30pm – @ the red church, 2366 Hwy. 141 – Every Wednesday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Middle and High Schoolers meet for a time of games, worship, Bible teaching and honest talks. At youth group, teens find a crew to journey with as they discover who God made them to be and how they can make an impact on the world around them. Contact person: Jared Higashino, 509-637-5511.
Ladies Bible Study: 9:30am – 11:00am – @ the red church, 2366 Hwy. 141. Come join us for Bible study, prayer time and connecting with one another. All ladies are welcome! Thursday, October 5th, 2023 we will kick off the fall season with a Priscilla Shirer study on Discerning the Voice of God. On-site childcare provided. Contact person: Jennie Painter, 509-774-8955
Bible Study: 6:00pm – @ Jesse and Megan Pearson’s, 11 Little Mountain Rd. (and @ Rick and Sharon Allen’s, 663 Sunnyside Rd.) – We start with dinner at 6pm and then worship, prayer, and Bible study. Contact person: Jesse Pearson, 509-637-6856
Music-Oriented Small Group: EXPECTING TO MEET LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH, call Jake or Tara to confirm!
6:00pm – 8:00pm – @ Jake and Tara Stock’s, 4 Greenwood Court, Trout Lake – We are having a time of fellowship, study and singing as we look at various topics and how different songs and hymns fit into modern worship, along with the biblical meanings, verses and history behind the songs that we sing every week. Come enjoy a time of playing music along with anyone else who just loves music! Bring your instruments and your voices and a snack to share! Contact persons: Jake (509) 310-3584 or Tara (509) 822-8798